Are you getting enough greens? Your skin will thank you for it!
Leafy greens are an excellent way to help aid your bodies natural detoxification pathways by enhancing the function of the Kidneys, Liver, Gall Bladder and even the lungs. Packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients. Greens are also a valuable source of vegetable protein. Everything you need to produce healthy cells that form the skin from the inside out and reduce inflammation, this is of particular benefit to those suffering with inflammatory skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, eczema and dermatitis.
Green leafy vegies provide an important source of nourishment for our gut flora in the way of prebiotics, yes that’s right prebiotics. Probiotics are great to replenish our natural good bacteria that resides in our guts, but in order for it to flourish we need to feed it prebiotics. Asparagus and other high fiber green vegetables provide a wonderful source of prebiotics, as does garlic, onions, leek and bananas.
Greens have an amazing ability to reduce inflammation in the body, will neutralize excessive acid from things like excessive sugar, alcohol, processed foods and even stress. Other benefits include providing hydration to our cells, reducing mucous in the body, and will help increase both blood and lymph circulation. Your immune system will function better and your energy levels will increase when you eat more greens. Your skin will be clearer and the whites of your eyes whiter.
So try and include them in every meal, even breakfast!!! Green Smoothies are another great way to get more greens into your diet and start the day off right. I love to blend baby spinach, kale, pear, fennel and avocado with some coconut water or almond milk in my green smoothie, a little ginger will add a warming effect during winter. Just remember to include more veggies than fruit to avoid your smoothie becoming too high in sugars. If you would like to increase the nutritional value of your smoothies a green powder such as our Miss-Vitality Elevate skin food powder can also be added. Want a hot breakfast, why not saute some kale, zucchini and spinach in some ghee or coconut oil and increase your fatty acid intake which will also support healthy skin.
I hope you enjoyed this article, if you have any questions about your skin please don’t hesitate to ask here by leaving a comment and I will be sure to answer.
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